Houston Recycling
Paper, Aluminum and Plastic Wins in the Recycle Game
According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, more than 60% of the paper we use is recycled.
Everyone likes to talk about “going green” and doing their part to save the environment. At ShredTex, we do more than just talk. We recycle 100% of the paper that we shred.
Our impact on the environment is more than just saving trees. What many people don’t realize is that the process to turn trees into paper requires a significant amount of energy and water and adds pollutants into our air. Consider this, recycling just one ton of paper saves about 7,000 gallons of water and 4,100 kilowatt hours of electricity.
So how does paper recycling impact the environment? Consider 10 tons of paper, which is easily collected in a day. Recycling saves 170 trees. Take a look at the chart below for more information on the environmental impact of recycling.